I've been on a weird situation lately...
I love technology, but sometimes I feel overwhelmed by it. That's why I started using a dumbphone. I love that I can have a phone with whatsapp, google maps and not much else. It makes me feel connected to my life again. But..
I also like AI. I like to think about it as a source of unlimited condensed knowledge. So I looked for a way to have access to it while being midful of how I interact with it. And that's how Text Wisely came to be.
It's 9.99 USD to setup your phone and there are no subscriptions aftewards. You use query credits to get ai responses. You can buy credits to recharge your phone with AI if you want. Or not. You control it.
We are on the brink of a new era for technology and more than ever it's important to question how we interact with it. So... Text Wisely